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Theatrum machinarum molarium: oder schau-platz der Mühlen-Bau-KunstLeupold, JacobSchäfer1982Facsimile reprint
Theatrum machinarum universale of groot algemeen moolen-boekvan Zyl, JohannisPetrus SchenkFacsimile reprint
Theoretisch en Practisch Molenboek: voor ingenieurs, aannemers, molenmakers, en verdere bouwkundigen [for engineers, contractors, mill makers, and other construction engineers]Krook, G'S Gravenhage bij De Erven Doorman1981Facsimile reprint
Treatise on mills and millwork, part 1: on the principles of mechanism and on prime moversFairbairn, WilliamLongmanBook
Treatise on mills and millwork, part 1: on the principles of mechanism and on prime moversFairbairn, WilliamLongmanBook
Treatise on mills and millwork, part 2: on machinery of transmission, construction and arrangementFairbairn, WilliamLongmanBook
Treatise on mills and millwork, part 2: on machinery of transmission, construction and arrangementFairbairn, WilliamLongmanBook
Use of millwrighting techniques as a guide to dating windmills and watermillsWatts, MartinSPAB1994Book
Versatile millstone workhorse of many industriesSass, JonSPOOM1984Book
Whitmore and Binyon engineers and millwrights of Wickham market: SuffolkCockburn, PhyllisThe author2005Book
Wie man Wasserräder bautBrüdern, RichardThe author2006Book
Windmills and millwrightingFreese, StanleyDavid & Charles1971Book
Windmills and millwrightingFreese, StanleyCambridge University Press1957Book
WindmühlenbauSchnelle, WernerVerlag für Bauwesen, Berlin1991Book
Work of Norman and Smithson millwrights of Hull 1780-1831 and the development of milling technologyGregory, RoyRoy Gregory1991Book
Wow!: how does one move a windmill?Hickmet, NevvarThe author1964Book
Young mill-wright and miller's guideEvans, OliverLea and Blanchard1846Book
Young Mill-Wright and Miller's GuideEvans, OliverAyer Company1989Facsimile reprint
Young Mill-Wright and Miller's GuideEvans, OliverArno Press1972Facsimile reprint
Young mill-wright and miller's guideEvans, OliverOliver Evans Press1999Facsimile reprint
Young mill-wright and miller's guideEvans, OliverM Carey & Son, Philadelphia1821Book
Zingende stenen: werken met de korenmolenAbelskamp, D JHet Gilde van Vreijwillige Molenaars1979Copied document