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Illustrated catalogue of pumping & winding engines, and other plant used for mining purposes, horizontal, fixed, and portable engines, Cornish and other boilers, general machinery, manufactured by Williams' Perran Foundry Co., CornwallTrevithick Society1976Facsimile reprint
Cromford Canal and Leawood PumpCromford Canal SocietyBook
Aire and Calder Navigation Act 914HMSO1914Legal document
Petit guide des éoliennes multipales. région Languedoc- Roussillon.Agence Méditerranéenne de l’Environnement2002Book
Leffel’s construction of mill dams and Bookwalter’s millwright and mechanicJames Leffel & Co.1881Facsimile reprint
Land drainage pumpsGwynnes Pumps Ltd1943Book
Series M self-priming marine pumps. leaflet GGG109Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon LtdBrochure, leaflet or poster
History of agricultural drainageLand Drainage Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and FoodBook
History of agricultural drainageLand Drainage Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food1977Book
Papplewick pumping stationPapplewick AssociationBook
R. Richards & Co.: Manufacturers of pumps and pumping machinery of every description and Artesian well-boring tools and pipesR. Richards & Co1905Book
Research inspired by the Dutch windmillsH Veenman en ZonenBook
Practical guide for the water supply of towns, estates, villages, houses &c.: for the use of architects, estate agents, district surveyors and property ownersHayward-Tyler & Co1921Book
La cultura de L'Aigua a Elx a través del tempsBook
Poldaw windpumps for rural water supplyNeale Consulting Engineers Ltd1998Book
Wind-motors for power-, drainage-, pumping- and electric-plantsAgricultural Machinery Co Ltd, CopenhagenCopied document
Coultershaw beam pumpCoultershaw Trust2012Book
Witham Fourth District Drainage Board: a brief historyThe Board's OfficeBook
Coultershaw beam pumpSussex Industrial Archaeology Society1994Book
Crofton beam engines: the story of Crofton Pumping Station on the Kennet and Avon CanalKennet and Avon Canal Trust1975Book
Beverley Water; 6 inch Ordnance Map between Holderness Pumping Station and BeverleyOrdnance Survey1893Map
De Middelste Molen bij Cabauw: Vijfhonderdvijftig jaar molens in het waterschap Lopik, Lopikerkapel en ZevenhovenAlkemade, Rob; Stoop, ErikUitgeverij Thoth2004Book
Windmills and pumps of the southwestAllen, Bill; Hays, DickEakin Press1983Book
Guide to the United States patents for windmills and wind engines, 1793-1950Baker, T LindsayTIMS2004Book
Die Wasserversorgung in der Renaissancezeit, Band 5Balestracci, Duccio; Bauer, Albert; Hoffman, AlbrechtPhilipp von Zabern, Mainz am Rhein2000Book
Wells and windmills in NebraskaBarbour, Edwin HinckleyUS Geological Survey1899Book
Sobre el timpano y la bomba de CtesibioBaroja, Julio CaroGuimaraes1955Offprint/Journal Supplement
Sobre ciguenales y otros ingenios para elevar aquaBaroja, Julio CaroGuimaraes1955Offprint/Journal Supplement
Norias, azudas, acenasBaroja, Julio CaroRevista de Dialectologia y Tradiciones Populares1954Offprint/Journal Supplement
Sobre la historia de la noria de tiroBaroja, Julio CaroRevista de Dialectologia y Tradiciones Populares1955Offprint/Journal Supplement
Building a domestic windpumpBarr, James H (Jim)HubEditions, Bedfordshire1994Book
How to build a wind pumpBarr, James H (Jim)Low-impact Living Iniitiative2006Book
How to build a wind pumpBarr, James H (Jim)Low-impact Living Iniitiative2012Book
Urgent hour: a history of the drainage of the Burnt Fen districtBeckett, JohnEly Local History Publications Board1974Book
De Windmotor als Poldergemaal in FrieslandBergstra, J; Hengs, W DThe author1995Book
Water water everywhere: the draining of the FensBevis, TrevorThe author1992Book
Early dam builders in BritainBinnie, G MThomas Telford Ltd1987Book
De Tjasker: een zeldzaam molentypeBlom, Louis HUitgeverij WaandersBook
Tjasker windmillBlom, Louis HTIMS1975Book
Crofton storyBroom, IanWiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society2013Book
Stenen Poldermolens in Rijnland: Bijdrage tot de kennis van de windwatermolens in het hoogheemraadschap van RijnlandCaarten, A BickerEuropese Bibliotheek1981Book
Middeleeuwse watermolens in Hollands polderland; 1407/08 - rondom 1500: 1407/'08 - about 1500Caarten, A BickerStichting Uitgeverij Noord-Holland1990Book
Pumphouse on Cobham Hall estateCaiger, J E LArchaeologia Cantiana1969Offprint/Journal Supplement
Charles Dickens' wellCaiger, J E L; Harrison, A CArchaeologia Cantiana1971Offprint/Journal Supplement
What future for Broadland? Strategy & management plan: draft for consultationClark, M AitkenBroads Authority1982Offprint/Journal Supplement
Remarkable artesian boringColes-Finch, WilliamInstitution of Civil Engineers1929Book
Water: its origin and useColes-Finch, WilliamAlston Rivers1908Book
Chinese chain and washer pumpsCollett, John; Watt, SimonIntermediate Technology Publications1976Book
Water-ring self-priming pumps with an addendumCrewdson, EInstitution of Mechanical Engineers1956Offprint/Journal Supplement
Water-powered pumping engines in S.E. EnglandCumming, RobMills Research Group1988MarchDigital