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Showing results for ( Topic equals Wind & watermills > England > Sussex ):

Publications (Library)

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Argos Hill Windmill: How she worked; Mill tour guide and technical detailsBates, MartinArgos Hill Windmill Trust2019Book
Barcombe mills: its industrial and transport historyAusten, BrianSussex Industrial Archaeology Society2014Book
Barnham windmillBarnham Windmill Supporters Group1996Book
BARROW MILLS. Sussex Bronze Age barrows reused as windmill-steadsVincent, AlexThe author2024JanuaryDigital
Bateman'sNational Trust1995Book
Bateman's Park MillNational TrustBook
Bateman's SussexNational Trust1976Book
Bishopstone and the lost village of Tide MIllsLyndhurst, DavidSB Publications2001Book
Bishopstone tidemillsFarrant, SueSussex Archaeological Society1975vol 135 pp199-202Offprint/Journal Supplement
Bodiam castle, Sussex: did its builder also construct Dalyngrigge's bay, divert the river Kennet and thereby concede about 15 acres of Sussex land to Kent?Clark, F CAdams of Rye1955Book
Bygone corn mills in the Horsham areaCoomber, George H WHorsham Museum Society1996Book
Childhood memories of Polegate wind and water millsTerry, BerthaThe author1985SpringBook
Clayton windmillsPotter, SimonJack & Jill Windmills Preservation Society1995Book
Clayton windmills: help to restore JillBrunnarius, MartinJack & Jill Windmills Preservation Society1980Book
Clayton windmills: Jack, Jill - and DunctonMcEwan, SallyManuscript/Typescript
Conversion of a windmill by a descendant of the old millerNeve, A HThe author1928Book
Cornmills in and around WarbletonBeswick, MWarbleton & District History group1997Book
English mill: mills in art and archaeologyTowner Art Gallery and Local History Museum1984Book
Friston windmillsBrunt, LLoyd; Worsfold, EstherEast Dean & Friston Local History Group2011Book
Fulling Mills of SussexVincent, AlexThe author2014Book
Guide to Ifield water mill: a description of the mill and how it worksHenbery, E W; Sexton, Nick JCrawley Museum Society2010Book
Guide to Ifield water mill: a description of the mill and how it worksHenbery, E WCrawley Museum Society2001Book
Guide to Stone Cross windmill: history and workingsHall, Ron; Roberts, J F (Jo)Friends of Stocks MillBook
High Salvington millBook
High Salvington Mill: The mill field storyHigh Salvington Mill Trust2013Book
High Salvington; Saving Worthing's last windmillCasebow, PeterThe Mills Archive Trust2021Book
History of the Cross-in-Hand windmill: and of the Newnham and Ashdown familiesNewnham, C JEast Sussex County Council1979Book
History of Woods millSmail, HenrySussex Naturalists TrustBook
Hunston mill1987Book
Ifield mill restorationHenbery, E WCrawley Museum Society1992AprilBook
Ifield mill restorationHenbery, E WCrawley Museum SocietyBook
Ifield mill restorationHenbery, E WCrawley Museum SocietyBook
Ifield Mill: A surveyGibson-Hill, J; Henbery, E W1980Book
Ifield Water MIll in Victorian TimesReed, Catherine; Sexton, Angela; Sexton, Nick JCrawley Museum SocietyundatedBook
Ifield water mill: its owners and occupiersBracher, P; Sexton, Nick JCrawley Museum Society2009Book
Ifield water mill: its owners and occupiersBracher, PCrawley Museum Society1994Book
Kiplings Mill, Park Mill, Batemans, Burwash, East SussexCase, AlfJournal of the Society of Model and Experimental Engineers1991vol 7 (3) pp 6-11Article
Life in a Sussex windmillMartin, Edward AAllen and Donaldson1921Book
Lost windmills of SussexBlythman, GuyThe author2008Book
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 01Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1987NovemberDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 02Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1988JulyDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 03Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1989JuneDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 04Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1989DecemberDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 05Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1990MayDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 06Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1991FebruaryDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 07Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1992FebruaryDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 08Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1993MarchDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 09Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1994MarchDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 10Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1995SpringDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 11Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1996SpringDigital