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Showing results for ( Topic equals Wind & watermills > England > Sussex ):

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Restoration of Ifield watermillHenbery, E W; Sexton, Nick JCrawley Museum Society2009Book
Restarting of the sails of the rejuvenated windmill by H.R.H. Princess AliceHeritage Craft Schools, Chailey, Sussex1933Book
Public subscription windmill and the round house at LewesCrowther, AnniePipe Passage Books2001Book
Portrait of a windmill: A guide to windmills in Kent and Sussex with sketches by Tina RushtonCleland, JimKindaimBook
Polegate windmill: souvenir guideGregory, Frank William; Hodsoll, Vera; Stevens, Lawrence; Wailes, RexEastbourne & District Preservation Trust1980Book
Penfolds of Arundel agricultural engineers, 1833-1983: a history of 150 years service to farmersPenfold, FJames Penfold Ltd1983Book
Park mill: Bateman's, Burwash, East SussexWilmshurst, AlanNational Trust2002Book
On the trail of twelve windmills: Alfriston and Windover East SussexLongstaff-Tyrrell, PeterGoteHouse Publishing2005Book
Oldland mill, KeymerHassocks Amenity AssociationBrochure, leaflet or poster
Oldland Mill TrustOldland Mill TrustundatedBrochure, leaflet or poster
Nutley windmill: circa 1700Turner, TonyUckfield & District Preservation SocietyBrochure, leaflet or poster
Nutley windmill: a short history & guideGregory, Frank William; Wright, SimonUckfield & District Preservation Society1987Book
Nutley windmill restoration: complete revised editionHamlin, K W; Shaw, A KNutley Windmill Appeal1978Book
Nutley windmill restoration appealUckfield & District Preservation SocietyBrochure, leaflet or poster
Mills at FishbourneBlakeney, RThe author1974Manuscript/Typescript
Mills and millstone fragments within the Eastbourne Borough Council areaStevens, LawrencePolegate Windmill2002Book
Mills and millers of Hastings and environsWilcox, Rober James (Bob)The author2024Book
Milling mishaps: accurate accounts and racy reports: Part 1- SussexChamberlain, DavenAdmiral Press2016Book
Mill and the Murrell: Barnham, West Sussex. A brief historyCutten, Mervyn; May, VicMervyn Cutten1992Book
Michelham PriorySussex Archaeological Society1995Book
Machines at Ifield water millReed, Catherine; Sexton, Angela; Sexton, Nick JCrawley Museum Society2009Book
Machines at Ifield water millReed, Catherine; Sexton, Angela; Sexton, Nick JCrawley Museum SocietyundatedBook
Lurgashall mill: a description of the mill and its historyDemaus, RobertBook
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 22Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust2008SpringDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 21Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust2006SpringDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 20Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust2005SpringDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 19Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust2004SpringDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 18Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust2003SpringDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 17Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust2002SpringDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 16Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust2001SpringDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 15Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust2000SpringDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 14Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1999SpringDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 13Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1998SpringDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 12Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1997SpringDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 11Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1996SpringDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 10Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1995SpringDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 09Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1994MarchDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 08Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1993MarchDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 07Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1992FebruaryDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 06Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1991FebruaryDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 05Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1990MayDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 04Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1989DecemberDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 03Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1989JuneDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 02Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1988JulyDigital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 01Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1987NovemberDigital
Lost windmills of SussexBlythman, GuyThe author2008Book
Life in a Sussex windmillMartin, Edward AAllen and Donaldson1921Book
Kiplings Mill, Park Mill, Batemans, Burwash, East SussexCase, AlfJournal of the Society of Model and Experimental Engineers1991vol 7 (3) pp 6-11Article
Ifield water mill: its owners and occupiersBracher, P; Sexton, Nick JCrawley Museum Society2009Book
Ifield water mill: its owners and occupiersBracher, PCrawley Museum Society1994Book