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William Nelstrop & Co Ltd, Stockport: 150 years, 1820-1970The CompanyBook
William Nash of St Pauls Cray, papermakersAbelskamp, D JBatchworth Press1950Book
W&H Marriage & Sons Ltd; 1824-1974, 150 years of millingJarvis, StanThe Company1974Book
Souvenir of a century: The story of W Ladbrook & Son Ltd 1848-1948The Company1948Book
Dalgety; the romance of a businessVaughan-Thomas, WynfordThe Company1984Book
Bowman story 1857-1957The Company1957Book
Medal of Gold: a story of industrial achievementEdgar, William CBellman Company, Minneapolis1925Book
Mr Rank; a study of J Arthur Rank and British filmsWood, AlanHodder & Stoughton1952Book
Selected Papers of Boulton and Watt; The Engine Partnership, 1775–1825Tann, JenniferMIT Press, Cambridge, Mass1981Book
Henry Simon's childrenSimon, BrianPendene Press1999Book
Leaves from my life (2 volumes)O'Hagan, Henry OsborneBodley Head1929Book
Life and Inventions of Richard Roberts 1789-1864Hills, Richard LLandmark2002Book
Robert Owen of New LanarkCole, MargaretBatchworth Press1953Book
John Heathcoat and his heritageAllen, W GoreChristopher Johnson1958Book
Story of George Green ... who was very good at sumsNottingham City Council2009Book
James BrindleyBode, HShire Publications Ltd.1973Book
Joseph Bramah: a century of invention 1749-1851McNeil, IanDavid & Charles1968Book
Master and artisan in Victorian England: the unpublished diary of William Andrews; the autobiography of Joseph GutteridgeChancellor, Valerie EAugustus M Kelley1969Book
Huddersfield Mill MemoriesTeasdale, VivienWharncliffe Books2006Book
Muhle und KleiekotzerKauss, Dieter1995Book
Vinden blaeser stadigKruse, JaneNordisk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi2023Book
Surrey Industrial History Group awards: 25 years of conservtion awards 1983-2007Crocker, Alan; Crocker, GlenysSurrey Industrial History Group2008Book
Economy and material culture of slaves: Goods and chattels on the sugar plantations of Jamaica and LouisianaMcDonald, Roderick ALouisiana State University Press1993Book
Brandon Silk Mill: Ghosts of the 11th GreenLangley, AnneStretton Millenium History Group2001Book
A to Z of Kent mill owners and associated occupations 1899Longley, K J; Longley, R AR & A Longley Publications2006Book
Windmill WoodShaw, TonyThe author1996Book
Killicks and the Nortons, Millers in MeophamCarley, JamesThe author1993Book
Lot o Genuine Folks and a Wheen o Rogues: True stories of Catrine lives as told by people who were thereStenlake, RichardStenlake2011Book
Dane Mills, Bosley: An industrial and social historyPownall, Chris RPneuma Springs Publishing2012Book
Lakeland family of the middling sort from the seventeenth century to the twentiethRees, HilaryThe author2020Book
Hagley Museum, Wilmington Delaware: A story of early industry on the BrandywineAnon, Eleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation1957Book
Musings of a Country Miller: W Franklin ResslerKindig, SteveRessler Mill Foundation1999Book
Harvest of Water Mill HistoryHalsey, Albert JWater Mill Museum, New YorkBook
Casual ramblings concerning the waterways of early Reading and those in peril on the canalSpring, GordonThe author1992Book
Arthur Woolf; the Cornish engineer 1766-1837Harris, T RD Bradford Barton1966Book
Miller and his Mill: the story of John Else and Warney MillCooper, JudithMidland Wind & Water Mills Group2020Book
Andersons of MontroseAnderson, William KThe author2021Book
Eric Brett Young 1892-1931Hall, MichaelFrancis Brett Young Society2019Book
Sugar and slavery, family and race; the letters and diaries of Pierre Dessalles, planter in Martinique, 1808-1856Forster, Elborg; Forster, RobertJohn Hopkins University Press1996Book
Sugar and slaves: the rise of the planter class in the English West Indies, 1624-1713Dunn, Richard SJonathan Cape1973Book
Masters and the slaves: A study in the development of Brazilian civilisationFreyre, GilbertoWeidenfeld and Nicolson1956Book
Dispossessed Lives: Enslaved women, violence and the archiveFuentes, Marisa JUniversity of Pennsylvania2016Book
Brief history of the Cranbrook Windmill AssociationCranbrook Windmill Association2003Book
Snowdonia from the air; patterns in the landscapeCrew, Peter; Musson, ChrisSnowdonia National Park Authority1996Book
Carriers et meuliers de la région d'EpernonDuc, Jean-PaulVille d'Epernon2005Book
Histoire des carrières d'ÉpernonDuc, Jean-Paull'Association Epernon Patrimoine et Alentours2012Book
Lester Pelton and the Pelton water wheelLescohier, Roger PThe author1992Book
Introduction to oral history: Course bookletOral History Society2023Book
Membership DirectorySPOOM1997MayBook
Guidelines to health and safety in windmills and watermills including food hygieneSPAB2009Book