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Andrew Pelin's surveying career at Whitehaven, 1688-1705Tyson, Blake1986Book
Wyre Estuary country park: a pictorial guideEmery, KenBook
Muhle und KleiekotzerKauss, Dieter1995Book
Potto Brown: miller and village philanthropist, 1797 bicentenary, 19971997Book
Wahrzeichen unserer LandschaftAnon, Book
Satzungen der Zwangsinnung für das Müller-Gewerbe im Kreise SüderdithmarschenAnon, Book
Life story of an Essex ladMead, IsaacA Driver & Sons1923Book
Story of the 'Baxters': a history of the baking trade in Scotland and 100 years of the Scottish Association of Master BakersDandie, H JAberdeen University Press1990Book
Memoir of Edmund Cartwright, inventor of the power loom etcAdams & Dart1843Facsimile reprint
Three continents, one history: Birmingham, the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the CaribbeanHarris, CliveAfro-Caribbean Millennium Centre2008-Digital
Nur den Wind zu GastKromus, BodoAgentur des Rauhen Hauses Hamburg2006Book
Smiths of West Mersea and their milling and baking businessesSmith, AlanAlan Smith2015Book
Life in a Sussex windmillMartin, Edward AAllen and Donaldson1921Book
Life in a Sussex windmillMartin, Edward AAllen and Donaldson1920Book
Presentation of the Thomas Burr Osborne medal to John Ansel AndersonAnderson, J AAmerican Association of Cereal Chemists1957Offprint/Journal Supplement
Presentation of the Thomas Burr Osborne medal to R M SandstedtSandstedt, R MAmerican Association of Cereal Chemists1954Offprint/Journal Supplement
Sugar Machines: Picturing Industrialized SlaveryJohn, CrowleyAmerican Historical Review2016vol 121, 2, (April), 403-436Digital
Freedom and oppression of slaves in the eighteenth-century CaribbeanStinchcombe, Arthur LAmerican Sociological Review1994Vol 59 (6) December pp 911-929Digital
Richard Arkwright: master spinnerArkwright Society1971Book
Arkwright and the mills at CromfordArkwright Society1973Book
Oliver Evans: a chronicle of early American engineeringBathe, Dorothy; Bathe, GrevilleArno Press1972Facsimile reprint
Moulin de Luzy: Le moulin de Saloué à Dun-les-PlacesAssociation "Moulins du Morvan"1993Book
Les Moulins: Technique, Histoire, FolkloreAssociation Régionale des Amis de Moulins1975Book
Slave experience in the CaribbeanKlein, Herbert SAtlantic History Study Centre Regional Tourism and Culture Office1996-Digital
Slaves with or without sugar: Registers of the international seminar, Funchal 17th to 21st June 1996Vieira, AlbertoAtlantic History Study Centre Regional Tourism and Culture Office1996Book
James Watt: craftsman & engineerDickinson, Henry WinramAugustus M Kelley1967Book
Master and artisan in Victorian England: the unpublished diary of William Andrews; the autobiography of Joseph GutteridgeChancellor, Valerie EAugustus M Kelley1969Book
Blanket makers: 1669-1969: a history of Charles Early & Marriott (Witney) Ltd.Early, Richard E; Plummer, AlfredAugustus M Kelley1969Book
La grande histoire des scieurs de LongArnoult, AnnieAuto Edition AAA1996Book
Bacton, Suffolk: the place and the peopleGraham, Rose MBaccas Books2001Book
Robert Owen of New LanarkCole, MargaretBatchworth Press1953Book
William Nash of St Pauls Cray, papermakersAbelskamp, D JBatchworth Press1950Book
Du Müller, du Mahler, du Mörder, du Dieb!Werner, JohannesBeck’sche Reihe1990Book
Leonardo da Vinci's machinesCianchi, MarcoBecocci Editore1998Book
Medal of Gold: a story of industrial achievementEdgar, William CBellman Company, Minneapolis1925Book
Westwood StudyBeverley & District Civic Society1968Brochure, leaflet or poster
African and European slave tradesHornsby, Jr, Alton; Rucker, Walter CBlackwell Publishing Ltd2005-Digital
Six miles to the windmillGreaves, Annie King; Greaves, John GordonBlue Dragon Press1998Book
Leaves from my life (2 volumes)O'Hagan, Henry OsborneBodley Head1929Book
Kendrick book: being the story of the Kendrick family, their Reading of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and the foundation of the Kendrick SchoolAppleby, H MBradley & Son1948Book
James Brindley: millwright and canal engineer, 1716-1772Bode, HBrindley Mill Preservation Trust1972Book
Prospectus: British school of millingBritish School of Milling1920Book
Marsh workers of the BroadsMace, PaulBroad Reed and Sedge Cutters Association2009Book
History of corn milling, vol.1: handstones, slave and cattle millsBennett, Richard; Elton, JohnBurt Franklin, New York1960or laterFacsimile reprint
History of corn milling, vol.3: Feudal laws and customs with appendix on steam and roller millingBennett, Richard; Elton, JohnBurt Franklin, New York1960or laterFacsimile reprint
History of corn milling, vol.4: Some feudal mills with memoir of the late Richard BennettBennett, Richard; Elton, JohnBurt Franklin, New York1960or laterFacsimile reprint
Medway river and valley: the story of the Medway, aspects of life on the Medway, journeyings on the MedwayColes-Finch, WilliamC.W. Daniel1929Book
Thomas Hennell: countryman, artist, writerMacLeod, MichaelCambridge University Press1988Book
Wheelwright's shopSturt, GeorgeCambridge University Press1923Book
Legacies of British slave-ownership: Colonial slavery and the formation of Victorian BritainDonington, Katie; Draper, Nicholas; Hall, Catherine; Lang, Rachel; McClelland, KeithCambridge University Press2014Book