Title | Contributors | Publisher | Year | BatchDescrip | Medium |
History of technology Vol. VII: The Twentieth Century, c.1900 to c.1950 Part 2 | Williams, Trevor I | Clarendon Press | 1978 | | Book |
History of technology Vol. VI: The Twentieth Century, c.1900 to c.1950 Part 1 | Williams, Trevor I | Clarendon Press | 1978 | | Book |
Medieval technology and social change | White, Lynne Jr | Oxford University Press | 1964 | | Book |
From Quern to Computer: The history of flour milling | Watts, Martin; Watts, Sue | The Mills Archive Trust | 2016 | | Website |
Moulins. Technique. Histoire. Folklore. | Wallaert, Sylvie | Muséé Régional de l’hospice Comtesse. | 1975 | | Book |
Windmills in England: a study of their origin, development and future | Wailes, Rex | Architectural Press | 1945 | | Book |
Windmills in England | Wailes, Rex | Architectural Press | 1948 | | Book |
Speed, the forgotten cost reduction factor in the energy | van Wijk, A J M; Wouters, Frank | Academia Letters | 2022 | June | Digital |
Why England and not China and India? Water systems and the history of the Industrial Revolution | Tvedt, Terje | Journal of Global History | 2010 | 5, pp. 29–50 | Digital |
International exhibition of flour mill machinery | Tepper, D G | | | | Book |
History of the machine | Strandh, Sigvard | Arrow Books | 1984 | | Book |
Flour for man's bread: a history of milling | Storck, John; Teague, Walter Darwin | University of Minnesota Press | 1952 | | Book |
Hellend scheprad: geschiedenis en bouw | Sipman, Anton | De Walburg Pers | 1977 | | Book |
Large Roman water mill at Barbegal (France | Sellin, Robert H J | History of Technology (Mansell) | 1984 | 1983, vol 8 pp 91 -109 | Article |
Development of grain milling machines | Scott, J H | Audio Typing Ltd. | 1972 | | Book |
Arbeiten und Leben in der Kornmühle | Scheuermann, Adelgard | VSA-Verlag | 1989 | | Book |
Gadgetization of agriculture: Future frontiers of AgTech | Sampathkumar, Raghavan | Milling & Grain | 2021 | September | Digital |
Proiskhozhdeniye i razvitiye vetryanoy mel'nitsy | Ponmomarev, N A | | 1958 | | Book |
Geschichte der Mühlen zwischen Eider und Königsau | Petersen, Hans | Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster | 1988 | | Book |
El real gabinete de máquinas del buen retiro: origen, fundacion y vicisitudes una empresa tecnica de Agustin de Betancourt | Payen, Jacques; Rumeu de Armas, Antonio | Fundacion Juanelo Turriano | | | Book |
Development of iron and steel technology in China | Needham, Joseph | Newcomen Society | 1958 | | Book |
Wheat Milling, its history, technology, and efficiency: with special reference to eighteenth and nineteenth century Europe | Muller, H G | University of Leeds | 1999 | | Book |
Horizontal watermill: history and technology of the first prime mover | Moog, Berthold | TIMS | 1994 | | Book |
Encyclopedia of the history of technology | McNeil, Ian | Routledge | 1990 | | Book |
Wind, water, work: ancient and medieval milling technology | Lucas, Adam | Brill Society | 2006 | | Book |
Men, machines and history: the story of tools and machines in relation to social progress | Lilley, S | Lawrence and Wishart | 1965 | | Book |
Grist and flour mills in Ontario: From millstones to rollers, 1780s-1880s | Leung, Felicity L | Parks Canada | 1981 | | Book |
Mill: the history and future of naturally powered buildings | Larkin, David | Universe | 2000 | | Book |
History of western technology | Klemm, Frederich; Singer, Dorothea Waley | George Allen & Unwin | 1959 | | Book |
Theatre of machines | Keller, Alexander Gustav | Chapman & Hall | 1964 | | Book |
Harvesting the Air: Windmill Pioneers in Twelfth-Century England | Kealey, Edward J | University of California Press | 1987 | | Book |
Bauernmühlen im Schwarzwald: Dokumentation und Restaurierung bäuerlicher Alltagstechnik | Jüttemann, Herbert | Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit in Mannheim | 1990 | | Book |
Krater und Schlackenkegel | Ippach, Peter; Mangartz, Fritz; Schaaff, Holger | Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz | 2002 | | Book |
Getreidereiben und Mühlsteine aus der Eifel | Hörter, Fridolin | Geschichts- und Altertumsverein für Mayen und Umgebung | 1994 | | Book |
Jahrbuch für Geschichte und Kunst des Mittelrheins und seiner Nachbargebiete | Hörter, Fridolin | Verein für Geschichte und Kunst des Mittelrheins | 1951 | | Book |
Jahrbuch für Geschichte und Kunst des Mittelrheins und seiner Nachbargebiete | Hörter, Fridolin | Verein für Geschichte und Kunst des Mittelrheins | 1955 | | Book |
Vorgeschichtliche Reibsteine aus der Umgebung von Mayen | Holtmeyer-Wild, Vera | Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz | 2000 | | Book |
Millstone industry: a summary of research on quarries and producers in the USA, Eurpoe and elsewhere | Hockensmith, Charles D | McFarland & Co Inc | 2009 | | Book |
Spiel mit, Maschine!: Technische Nachrichten für junge Spielzeugbauer | Hirte, Werner | Kinderbuchverlag | 1972 | | Book |
America's wooden age: aspects of its early technology | Hindle, Brooke | Sleepy Hollow Restorations | 1975 | | Book |
Windmills: A pictorial history of their technology | Hills, Richard L | Landmark | 2005 | | Book |
Power from wind: a history of windmill technology | Hills, Richard L | Cambridge University Press | 1994 | | Book |
Power from wind: A history of windmill technology | Hills, Richard L | Cambridge University Press | 1996 | | Book |
Power and performance of Roman water-mills: hydro-mechanical analysis of vertical-wheeled water-mills | Hawksley, Jeff; Spain, R J | British Archaeological Reports | 2008 | | Book |
Rise of the white loaf: evidence from the north of England concerning developments in milling milling technique in the 18th century | Harrison, John K | SPAB | 2005 | | Book |
History of technology Vol. II: The Mediterranean Civilizations and the Middle Ages, c. 700 B.C. To c. A.D. 1500 | Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor I | Oxford University Press | 1980 | | Book |
History of technology Vol. V: The Late Nineteenth Century, c1850 to c. 1900 | Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor I | Oxford University Press | 1980 | | Book |
History of technology Vol. IV: The Industrial Revolution, c. 1750 to c. 1850 | Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor I | Oxford University Press | 1980 | | Book |
History of technology Vol. III: From The Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution, c. 1500 - c. 1750 | Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor I | Oxford University Press | 1980 | | Book |
History of technology Vol. I: From Early Times to the Fall of Ancient Empires | Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor I | Oxford University Press | 1980 | | Book |