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History of technology and invention: progress through the ages, vol.3 The expansion of mechanization, 1725-1860Daumas, Maurice; Hennessy, E BJohn Murray1980Book
History of technology and invention: progress through the ages, vol.1 The origins of technological civilisation to 1450Daumas, Maurice; Hennessy, E BJohn Murray1969Book
Short history of technology: from the earliest times to AD 1900Derry, T K; Williams, Trevor IOxford University Press1960Book
James Watt and the Industrial RevolutionDickinson, Henry Winram; Vowles, H PLongman1943Book
Patents for inventions in the Netherlands during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries: with notes on the historical development of technicsDoorman, GMartinus Nijhoff1942Book
Energy research: Alternative strategies for development of new energy technologies and their implications for the federal budgetDowd, Richard M; Timenes (Jr), Nicolai; Wentzel, Kendrick WCongress of the United States: Congressional Budget Office1976Book
Bethlehem oil mill: 1745-1934: German technology in early PennsylvaniaFinke, Hans-Joachim; Huetter, Karen Zerbe; Litchfield, Carter; Young, Stephen GOlearius Editions1984Book
Räder im Fluss: Die Geschichte der Nürnberger Mühlen (The history of the mills of Nuremberg)Franzke, JürgenVerlag W. Tümmels1986Book
Roues hydrauliques en Pierre au Pays Basque. 1984.Garcia-Diego, Jose ASan Sebastian1984Book
Del dios del fuego a la máquina de vapor: La introducción de la técnica industrial en HispanoaméricaGarcia-Tapia, NicolasÁmbitio Ediciones - Instituto de Ingenieros Técnicos de España1992Book
Der Walzenstuhl: Konstruktion & FunktionGemsjäger, HelmutAgrimedia2013Book
Inventions of Leonardo da VinciGibbs-Smith, CharlesPhaidon1978Book
Bogasari Flour Mills. Technological advances help millers meet consumer needsGilbert, RogerMilling & Grain 2019OctoberDigital
I wasn’t expecting that!Gilbert, RogerMilling & Grain 2022JulyDigital
Medieval machine: the industrial revolution of the Middle AgesGimpel, JeanPimlico1988Book
Medieval machine: the industrial revolution of the Middle AgesGimpel, JeanGollancz1977Book
Work of Norman and Smithson millwrights of Hull 1780-1831 and the development of milling technologyGregory, RoyRoy Gregory1991Book
History of technology Vol. I: From Early Times to the Fall of Ancient EmpiresHall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor IOxford University Press1980Book
History of technology Vol. II: The Mediterranean Civilizations and the Middle Ages, c. 700 B.C. To c. A.D. 1500Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor IOxford University Press1980Book
History of technology Vol. III: From The Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution, c. 1500 - c. 1750Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor IOxford University Press1980Book
History of technology Vol. IV: The Industrial Revolution, c. 1750 to c. 1850Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor IOxford University Press1980Book
History of technology Vol. V: The Late Nineteenth Century, c1850 to c. 1900Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor IOxford University Press1980Book
Rise of the white loaf: evidence from the north of England concerning developments in milling milling technique in the 18th centuryHarrison, John KSPAB2005Book
Power and performance of Roman water-mills: hydro-mechanical analysis of vertical-wheeled water-millsHawksley, Jeff; Spain, R JBritish Archaeological Reports2008Book
Power from wind: A history of windmill technologyHills, Richard LCambridge University Press1996Book
Power from wind: a history of windmill technologyHills, Richard LCambridge University Press1994Book
Windmills: A pictorial history of their technologyHills, Richard LLandmark2005Book
America's wooden age: aspects of its early technologyHindle, BrookeSleepy Hollow Restorations1975Book
Spiel mit, Maschine!: Technische Nachrichten für junge SpielzeugbauerHirte, WernerKinderbuchverlag1972Book
Millstone industry: a summary of research on quarries and producers in the USA, Eurpoe and elsewhereHockensmith, Charles DMcFarland & Co Inc2009Book
Vorgeschichtliche Reibsteine aus der Umgebung von MayenHoltmeyer-Wild, VeraVerlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz2000Book
Jahrbuch für Geschichte und Kunst des Mittelrheins und seiner NachbargebieteHörter, FridolinVerein für Geschichte und Kunst des Mittelrheins1955Book
Jahrbuch für Geschichte und Kunst des Mittelrheins und seiner NachbargebieteHörter, FridolinVerein für Geschichte und Kunst des Mittelrheins1951Book
Getreidereiben und Mühlsteine aus der EifelHörter, FridolinGeschichts- und Altertumsverein für Mayen und Umgebung1994Book
Krater und SchlackenkegelIppach, Peter; Mangartz, Fritz; Schaaff, HolgerVerlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz2002Book
Bauernmühlen im Schwarzwald: Dokumentation und Restaurierung bäuerlicher AlltagstechnikJüttemann, HerbertLandesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit in Mannheim1990Book
Harvesting the Air: Windmill Pioneers in Twelfth-Century EnglandKealey, Edward JUniversity of California Press1987Book
Theatre of machinesKeller, Alexander GustavChapman & Hall1964Book
History of western technologyKlemm, Frederich; Singer, Dorothea WaleyGeorge Allen & Unwin1959Book
Mill: the history and future of naturally powered buildingsLarkin, DavidUniverse2000Book
Grist and flour mills in Ontario: From millstones to rollers, 1780s-1880sLeung, Felicity LParks Canada1981Book
Men, machines and history: the story of tools and machines in relation to social progressLilley, SLawrence and Wishart1965Book
Wind, water, work: ancient and medieval milling technologyLucas, AdamBrill Society2006Book
Encyclopedia of the history of technologyMcNeil, IanRoutledge1990Book
Horizontal watermill: history and technology of the first prime moverMoog, BertholdTIMS1994Book
Wheat Milling, its history, technology, and efficiency: with special reference to eighteenth and nineteenth century EuropeMuller, H GUniversity of Leeds1999Book
Development of iron and steel technology in ChinaNeedham, JosephNewcomen Society1958Book
El real gabinete de máquinas del buen retiro: origen, fundacion y vicisitudes una empresa tecnica de Agustin de BetancourtPayen, Jacques; Rumeu de Armas, AntonioFundacion Juanelo TurrianoBook
Geschichte der Mühlen zwischen Eider und KönigsauPetersen, HansWachholtz Verlag, Neumünster1988Book
Proiskhozhdeniye i razvitiye vetryanoy mel'nitsyPonmomarev, N A1958Book