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Showing results for ( Topic equals Dyestuffs & textiles > Silk ):

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Last handloom weavers: Paradise mill, MacclesfieldNorris, JillCheshire County CouncilBook
Whitchurch silk millHampshire Buildings Preservation TrustBook
History of the Lewisham silk millsMacartney, Sylvia; West, JohnLewisham Local History Society1979Book
Sherborne mill: from silks to glassMarsden, FrederickThe author1980Book
Little of my LifeLuck, LucyDacorum Museum1992Book
Old Derby silk mill and its rivals: an illustrated historyButterton, HarryThe author1996Book
Lewisham silk mills: and the history of an ancient siteMacartney, Sylvia; West, JohnLewisham Local History Society1998Book
Derwent Valley mills and their communitiesDerwent Valley Mills Partnership2001Book
Brandon Silk Mill: Ghosts of the 11th GreenLangley, AnneStretton Millenium History Group2001Book
Textile industry of south-west England: a social archaeologyNeaverson, Peter; Palmer, MarilynTempus2005Book
Silk mill to museumFeatherstone, AlanRedbourn Village Museum2010Book
Old silk mill: Chipping CampdenNixon, StephenCampden and District Historical and Archaeological Society2012Book