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Showing results for ( Topic equals Mining & extraction > Chalk, clay & stone ):

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La pierre à pain: carrières de meules de moulins en France, du Moyen Âge à la révolution industrielle, Tome IIBelmont, AlainPresses Universitaires de Grenoble2006Book
Bricks, tiles and bicycles in Barton before 1900Bryant, Geoffrey F; Land, Nigel DBarton-on-Humber Branch of the Workers' Educational Association2007Book
Millstone industry: a summary of research on quarries and producers in the USA, Eurpoe and elsewhereHockensmith, Charles DMcFarland & Co Inc2009Book
Histoire des carrières d'ÉpernonDuc, Jean-Paull'Association Epernon Patrimoine et Alentours2012Book
Traditional milling technology in the English cement industry 1796-1899Trout, Edwin A RThe Mills Archive Trust2015Book