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Showing results for ( Author/contributor contains Henry Winram Dickinson ):

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James Watt: craftsman & engineerDickinson, Henry WinramAugustus M Kelley1967Book
Garret workshop of James WattDickinson, Henry WinramHer Majesty's Stationery Office1958Book
James Watt and the Industrial RevolutionDickinson, Henry Winram; Vowles, H PLongman1943Book
James Watt and the steam engine: the memorial volume prepared for the committee of the Watt centenary commemoration at Birmingham 1919Dickinson, Henry Winram; Jenkins, RhysMoorland1981Book
Water supply of Greater LondonDickinson, Henry WinramNewcomen Society1954Book
Catalogue of the civil and mechanical engineering designs of 1741-92 of John Smeaton, F.R.S.: preserved in the library of the Royal SocietyDickinson, Henry Winram; Gomme, A A; Smeaton, JohnNewcomen Society1950Book
Sir Samuel Morland: diplomat and inventor, 1625-1695Dickinson, Henry WinramW Heffer & Sons1970Book