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Publications (Library)

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Rise and Fall of the Tide MillChaineu, Marie-Claire P; Charlier, Roger H; Menanteau, Lo’icJournal of Coastal Research2005pp313-338Digital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 20Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust2005SpringDigital
African and European slave tradesHornsby, Jr, Alton; Rucker, Walter CBlackwell Publishing Ltd2005-Digital
Slave prices, the African slave trade and productivity in the Caribbean, 1674–1807Eltis, David; Lewis, Frank D; Richardson, DavidEconomic History Review2005LVIII (4), 673–700Digital
International MillerInternational Association of Operative Millers, Leawood, Kansas2005Journal
Hydroelectric Works at Castle Drogo, Devon. Archaeological Recording for the National TrustWatts, Martin2005FebruaryThesis/Report
House Mill: Report on tidal-power generation potentialHydroGeneration Ltd2005February 18Thesis/Report