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Publications (Library)

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Blue Lake and Home Farm: the story of nineteenth-century water power in Hutton LowcrossSmith, PaulWestgate Publishing2005Book
Rise and Fall of the Tide Mill - pp313-338Chaineu, Marie-Claire P; Charlier, Roger H; Menanteau, Lo’icJournal of Coastal Research2005Digital
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 20 - SpringLowfield Heath Windmill Trust2005Digital
African and European slave trades - -Hornsby, Jr, Alton; Rucker, Walter CBlackwell Publishing Ltd2005Digital
Switching to Renewable Power: A Framework for the 21st CenturyLauber, VolkmarEarthscan2005Book
Offshore Wind Power: Danish Experiences and SolutionsDanish Energy Authority2005Book
Miller's Tale; the life and times of the Dalgarven MillsFerguson, RobertDalgarven Mill Trust2005Book