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Showing results for ( Work equals NIJC Technical Education Series ):

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Flour Milling 1: a bound set of NIJC Technical Education Series 1926-1931nabim, (now UK Flour Millers)National Joint Council for the Flour Milling Industry1931Book
Flour Milling 2: a bound set of NIJC Technical Education Series 1931-1937nabim, (now UK Flour Millers)National Joint Council for the Flour Milling Industry1937Book
Bound set of NIJC Technical Education Series 1926-1930nabim, (now UK Flour Millers)National Joint Council for the Flour Milling Industry1930Book
NIJC Technical Education Series 1926-1931nabim, (now UK Flour Millers)National Joint Council for the Flour Milling Industry1931Container
NIJC Technical Education Series 1932-1939nabim, (now UK Flour Millers)National Joint Council for the Flour Milling Industry1939Container