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Abstracts from BWEA St Andrews workshopBritish Wind Energy Association1989March 29-30Symposium Transactions
Advanced wind energy systems; Stockholm 1974 workshop proceedings Volume 1STU/Vattenfall1976JanuarySymposium Transactions
Advanced wind energy systems; Stockholm 1974 workshop proceedings Volume 2STU/Vattenfall1976JanuarySymposium Transactions
Alternative Energy Sources for the centralised generation of electricityTaylor, R HAdam Hilger Ltd.1983Book
BP Statistical Review of World EnergyBritish Petroleum2009JuneBook
BWEA 30: Conference Programme. BWEA's 30th annual conference and exhibitionBritish Wind Energy Association2008Symposium Transactions
Capturing energy from the windSchefter, James LNational Aeronautics and Space Administration1982Book
Deep Green Power BWEA 24British Wind Energy Association2002October 2-4Symposium Transactions
Energie Eolienne: Theorie, conception et practique des installationsLe Gourieres, DesireEyrolles, Paris1980Book
EnergywithoutendFlood, MichaelFriends of the Earth1991JulyBook
European Community demonstration programme for wind energyEuropean Commission1988December 15Thesis/Report
Evaluation of the stimulation of wind energy in EuropeEuropean Wind Energy Association1990JuneThesis/Report
Evaluation of the supply side of the marketLindley, David; Musgrove, PeterEuropean Wind Energy Association1990Thesis/Report
Future Offshore: A Strategic Framework for the Offshore Wind IndustryDepartment of Trade and Industry2002Book
Generation of electricity by wind powerGolding, E WE & F N Spon1976Book
Offshore Wind Power: Danish Experiences and SolutionsDanish Energy Authority2005Book
Persective of wind energy: Status reportBeurskens, H J M; Lysen, E HEuropean Wind Energy Association1990OctoberThesis/Report
Persective of wind energy: Status reports A, B, C, D Strategy DoumentBeurskens, H J M; Lysen, E HEuropean Wind Energy Association1991OctoberThesis/Report
Proceedings of the (Third) International Colloquium on Wind Energy Brighton August 1981British Wind Energy Association1981Symposium Transactions
Proceedings of the 1983 Fifth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopMusgrove, PeterCambridge University Press1983Symposium Transactions
Proceedings of the 1984 Sixth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopMusgrove, PeterCambridge University Press1984Symposium Transactions
Proceedings of the 1985 Seventh BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopGarrard, A DCambridge University Press1985Symposium Transactions
Proceedings of the First BWEA Wind Energy Workshop April 1979Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd.1979Symposium Transactions
Proceedings of the Fourth BWEA Wind Energy Workshop March 1982BHRA Fluid Engineering1982Symposium Transactions
Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Wind Energy Stockholm September 1982; Volume 1British Wind Energy Association1982Symposium Transactions
Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Wind Energy Stockholm September 1982; Volume 2British Wind Energy Association1982Symposium Transactions
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wind Energy Systems Cambridge 7-9 September 1976British Hydromechanics Research Association (BHRA)1977Symposium Transactions
Proceedings of the Second BWEA Wind Energy Workshop April 1980Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd.1980Symposium Transactions
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Wind Energy Systems Amsterdam September 1978; Volume 1British Hydromechanics Research Association (BHRA)1978Symposium Transactions
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Wind Energy Systems Amsterdam September 1978; Volume 2British Hydromechanics Research Association (BHRA)Symposium Transactions
Proceedings of the Third BWEA Wind Energy Workshop April 1981BHRA Fluid Engineering1981Symposium Transactions
Renewable Energies: Sources, Conversion, ApplicationDunn, P DPeter Peregrinus Ltd1986Book
Renewable Energy in Power SystemsFreris, Leon L; Infield, DavidJohn Wiley & Sons Ltd.2008Book
Turning things around BWEA 23British Wind Energy Association2001October 16-18Symposium Transactions
Wind Connections BWEA 25British Wind Energy Association2003October 28-30 Symposium Transactions
Wind energy comes of ageGipe, PaulJohn Wiley1995Book
Wind Energy Conversion SystemsFreris, Leon LPrentice-Hall1990Book
Wind energy conversion systems: second workshop proceedingsEldridge, Frank RNational Science Foundation/NASA1975June 9-11Book
Wind Energy Conversion, From Theory to Practice; Proceedings of the 1997 Nineteenth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopHunter, RayMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1997Symposium Transactions
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1986 Eighth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopAnderson, Mike; Powles, SimonMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1986Symposium Transactions
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1987 Ninth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopGalt, J MMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1987Symposium Transactions
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1988 Tenth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopMilborrow, D JMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1988Symposium Transactions
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1990 Twelfth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopDavies, T D; Halliday, J A; Palutikof, J PMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1990Symposium Transactions
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1992 Fourteenth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopClayton, B RMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1992Symposium Transactions
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1994 Sixteenth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopElliot, GMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1994Symposium Transactions
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1995 Seventeenth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopHalliday, J AMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1995Symposium Transactions
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1996 Eighteenth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopAnderson, MikeMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1996Symposium Transactions
Wind energy for the eightiesLipman, N H; Musgrove, Peter; Pontin, G W-WBritish Wind Energy Association1982Book
Wind Energy in EuropeEuropean Wind Energy Association1991Book
Wind energy systemsJohnson, Gary LPrentice-Hall1985Book