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Showing results for ( River equals Lim ):


See all of these mills on a map

TitleLocationCountyCountryPower sourceTypeFunctionRiver
Waterside Mill, UplymeUplymeDevonEnglandSteam, WaterWatermillWoollen millLim
The Old Factory, Lyme RegisLyme RegisDorsetEnglandWaterWatermillSilk mill, Woollen millLim
The New Factory, Lyme RegisLyme RegisDorsetEnglandWaterWatermillSilk mill, Woollen millLim
Higher Mill, Lyme RegisLyme RegisDorsetEnglandWaterWatermillElectricity generating mill, Flax mill, Fulling mill, Oil millLim
Town Mill, Lyme RegisLyme RegisDorsetEnglandWaterWatermillCorn millLim
Uplyme Mill, UplymeUplymeDevonEnglandWaterWatermillCorn millLim
Middle Mill, Lyme RegisLyme RegisDorsetEnglandWaterWatermillLim