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Showing results for ( Location equals Fontmell Magna, Shaftesbury ):


See all of these mills on a map

TitleLocationCountyCountryPower sourceTypeFunctionRiver
Woodbridge Mill, Fontmell Magna, ShaftesburyFontmell Magna, ShaftesburyDorsetEnglandWaterWatermillCorn millTreyford Brook (Marston Brook)
Springhead Mill, Fontmell Magna, ShaftesburyFontmell Magna, ShaftesburyDorsetEnglandWaterWatermillCorn millFontmell Brook
Piper's Mill, Fontmell Magna, ShaftesburyFontmell Magna, ShaftesburyDorsetEnglandWaterWatermillCorn millFontwell Brook
Middle Mill, Fontmell Magna, ShaftesburyFontmell Magna, ShaftesburyDorsetEnglandWaterWatermillCorn millFontwell Brook