Dílo a život mlynářů a sekerníků v Čechách


Work and life of millers and millwrights in Bohemia

Hardback, A4, Czech language, 307pp. Black and white illustrations throughout.

The book is dedicated to the underappreciated work of people who were at the forefront of technological development for a millenium, using wind and water power for the benefit of humanity. The authors describe the history and development of the Czech mill and make suggestions about the protection and restoration of what survives. No less interesting is the description of daily life at the mill, exploring the customs and traditions of milling families and describing the social position of millers and some of the exceptional personalities involved.

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  • Author(s): Štěpán, Ludek; Křivanová, Magda
  • Publisher: Argo
  • Publication year: 2000