Water power and watermills: An Historical Guide


Hard cover with dust jacket, 208pp., profusely illustrated with colour and b/w photographs, diagrams and drawings.

  • Examines the first water mills in Britain, which were introduced by the Romans, the medieval mill and the technology of water power, including the size and efficiency of water wheels, dams, weirs and watercourses
  • Covers flour milling before the Industrial Revolution and the early industrial uses of water power
  • Analyses the use of water power during the Industrial Revolution with reference to the cotton, woollen and linen industries and transport
  • Considers the technological developments associated with water power, flour milling in the industrial economy, water power on the farm and the impact of water power on the landscapes of rivers and streams
  • Discusses the emergence of steam power, the resultant decline in water power, the development of hydro-electricity and tidal power, and the potential water power has to help provide a green future
  • Beautifully illustrated with over 160 photographs and original drawings

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