Ganzel and Wulff : the quest for American milling secrets


Bibliotheca Molinologica, Volume 20, Sold to support TIMS

This book, based on an 1832 publication in Berlin, describes Ganzel & Wulff’s journey round the USA between 1827 and 1829, the mills they visited and how they were used to produce export quality flour. This issue of Bibliotheca Molinologica publishes the drawings and the text of the 1832 report together for the first time. Written in Engish

The team of workers recruited by TIMS have done a great deal of detective work to provide a fascinating insight into an early example of industrial espionage. The story describes how the work of the two German adventurers brought the secrets of American millers’ success in the early 19th century to Europe.

Published by TIMS A4 in size, 252 pages, profusely illustrated with pictures, drawings and maps in black and white. Soft foldback cover in full colour. .

A heavy book!

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