Eight centuries of milling in north east Yorkshire


A4 card cover, 295pp.,first edition. Excellent quality, very heavy book with many photographs, drawings and maps.

Along with ploughed fields, manor house and church, the mill was for centuries at the heart of village life. North east Yorkshire, like most other regions, saw a gradual evolution in rural milling from early Norman times to the end of the nineteenth century when milling finally became industrialised. Today the relics of water, wind or steam-driven mills still remain in more or less every settlement. This book is the culmination of some thirty-five years of recording and studying the mills of a distinctive upland region and its surrounding lowlands. The story it has to tell is central to an understanding of our agricultural past.

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  • Author(s): Harrison, John K
  • Publisher: North Yorks Moors National Park Authority
  • Publication year: 2001
SKU: Harrison1 Category: