Agreement for the sale of Herne Bay windmill.


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One piece of paper measuring approximately 33 cm x 41 cm, folded in two, and recording the agreement between the eight Alexander brothers (Joseph and James, both farmers of Lower Garrington, Littlebourne acting as agents for the others) to sell the windmill at Herne Bay to Joseph William Horne “otherwise William Collard,” licensed victualler of Richmond Inn, Herne Bay. The property sold comprises, “all that windmill and all that messuage or tenement and bakehouse with the outbuildings thereunto belonging and the land adjoining thereto situate lying and being at Herne Bay….. late in the occupation of Alfred Taylor and now Thomas Wootton Together with all the machinery tackle fixtures fittings and gear in and about the said windmill….”. The agreement provides for the vendors who inherited the property from their late father, James Alexander, as “coheirs in gavelkind”, to provide an abstract of title tracing ownership back to Edward Charles of Reculver.

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