To understand just how integral wind and water are to our modern energy needs, we need to travel back in time and look at history. The resources below do just that.
Imagine a time when humans had to rely on just nature, not fossil fuels or electricity, to fulfil their every need. In our modern times of global warming (previously global cooling) and climate anxiety, is nature calling us back to lessons lost?
From Flour to Power
A digital exhibition, timeline, factsheets and arguments about the use of wind and water power from prehistory to today; mill to turbine.
Electricity Generation and Climate Change
A glossary for children and adults alike, with two reading levels: “Put Simply” and “A Bit More Complex”; An article on why millers and mill enthusiasts should be concerned about climate change; An article with data on climate change and the science behind it; “The World’s Not All Bad” – Reflections from a Climate Book Club after reading Hannah Ritchie’s “Not the End of the World”.