
Tower mill, Quarry Brae, Dysart

A wind-powered mill in the historic county of Fife, Scotland.

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Vaulted tower mill. Coursed rubble with later brick parapet. Circular-plan, steeply battered with reduced top stage giving way to corbelled, battlemented parapet. Relieving arch (to former vault) close to ground at E; NE door and 2 windows blinded. Originally 5.9m high, the windmill's reduced top stage probably housed the cap track; the vault, which was 13.5ft wide and projected about 10ft, was demolished in the 1950s. Windmill Quarry was located some 50m to the N, but local belief that the mill was used to haul stone from the quarry bed is most unlikely. It was converted to a lookout tower in the early 19th century, and possibly again towards the end of the century by the owner of nearby No 56 Windmill Road; during WWII it housed a searchlight. (Historic Scotland)

Full details

Power source Wind
Mill type Tower mill
Mill function
Archive ID 12313
Location Dysart
Historic county Fife
Country Scotland, United Kingdom
NGR NT 29963 93429
Latitude/longitude 56.12841328, -3.12824377





Mark Watson, May 2016


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