
Persective of wind energy: Status reports A, B, C, D Strategy Doument

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Beurskens, H J M [Author]
    Lysen, E H [Author]

    Publisher European Wind Energy Association
    Year of publication 1991 October

    Medium Thesis/Report

    Climate, environment and development > Renewable energy policy and economics
    Generation of Electricity > Windpower



    Scope & contentIncludes a loose set of PowerPoint slides.

    Copies held

    Accession no. 231027

    • Shelf location: G100-BEU
    • Donor: Peter Musgrove

    Divisions within this publication

    • 1: A Perpective of wind energy
    • 2: B Evaluation of the stimulation of wind energy in Europe
    • 3: C Evaluation of the supply side of the market
    • 4: D Evaluation of the demand side of the market

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