
Old Mills of far Southwest Virginia

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Addington, L F [Author]
    Hamilton, Emory L [Author]

    Publisher Historical Society of Southwest Virginia
    Year of publication 1973

    English (main text)

    Medium Book

    Wind & watermills > Rest of the World (not Europe) > USA


    Scope & contentInformation about mills in far Southwest Virginia, USA. Gives information on dates of construction, location, purpose of mill, state of preservation/ condition of sites in 1979.

    Includes information on key people who owned/ built/ worked in the mills. List of contents (Mills): Wynn's Mill Ball's Mill Gibson's Mill Wireman's Mill Bush's Mill Duncan's Mill Brickey's Mill Logan Cox's Mill Riggs' Mill Porter's Mill Beverly's Mill Culbertson-McConnell Mill Semones' Mill Hawkins' Mill Jessee's Mill Elk Garden Mill Robinson's Mill Bickley's Mill Gray's Mill

    Copies held

    Accession no. 229832

    • Shelf location: C152