
Wind Energy: The Facts. An Analysis of Wind Energy in the EU-25

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Publisher European Wind Energy Association
    Year of publication 2004

    Medium Book

    Climate, environment and development > Renewable energy policy and economics
    Generation of Electricity > Windpower


    Copies held

    Accession no. 231017

    • Shelf location: G100
    • Donor: Peter Musgrove

    Divisions within this publication

    • 1: Technology: Turbines; Wind resource estimation; Wind farm design; Transmission & distribution networks; Research & development
    • 2: Costs & prices
    • 3: Industry & employment: Industry status; Employment in the wind turbine sector; Employment prediction and methodology; Scenarios; Development & innovation
    • 4: Environment: Externalities; Environmental benefits; Standard methodology for emission reductions; Analysis of emission reductions; Public acceptance analysis; Public acceptance in the EU
    • 5: Market development: Market incentives; Future markets; New targets

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