
Historic buildings in Norfolk: Corn mills draft consultation report

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Shaw, J M [Author]

    Publisher Norfolk County Council
    Year of publication 1991

    English (main text)

    Medium Book

    Wind & watermills > England > Norfolk
    Arts, culture and heritage > Heritage conservation



    Scope & contentDraft consultation report, one of a series of topic papers which will establish priority programmes for the protection, repair and future use and management of special types of buildings in Norfolk. This paper draws extensively on the research of Mr Harry Aplin of East Dereham. His book "Norfolk corn windmills volume 1" was published by the Norfolk Windmills Trust in 1984 and has provided the background historical and statistical information for this report. Norfolk County Council began a programme of windmill and windpump restoration in 1960 and founded the Norfolk Windmills Trust in 1963 to continue this work. Contains survey and condition reports of the surviving windmills and mill remains.

    Copies held

    Accession no. 229582

    • Shelf location: A085
    • Donor: Keith Boot Collection
    • Notes: Some loose pages