
Water and Steam Mills of Northamptonshire and the birth of a flourishing flour milling industry

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Howes, Hugh [Author]

    Publisher Northamptonshire Industrial Archaeology Group
    Year of publication 2022

    Medium Book

    Wind & watermills > England > Northamptonshire


    Scope & contentPublisher:
    This book details the heritage of more than 150 traditional water and steam mills along the Nene and other county rivers, once used to undertake a variety of processes including corn grinding, fulling of cloth, and producing paper. It explains the evolution of mills and milling technology in Northamptonshire from Victorian times, resulting in a modern flour industry such that today the county produces more than 25% of the flour in the UK.

    The county’s lost milling industries, including early cotton spinning at Northampton and the mill that produced the paper for Britain’s first postage stamps, are described. A complete gazetteer of water and steam mills sites in Northamptonshire is also included.

    Copies held

    Accession no. 231802

    • Shelf location: C103.21-HOW
    • Donor: The author
