
Grit and determination

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    Authors & editors

    Gilbert, Roger [Author]

    Publisher Milling & Grain
    Year of publication 2021 December

    Medium Digital

    Economics & commerce > Commercial & government policy
    People and communities > Mill organisations


    Scope & contentBy Roger Gilbert

    It’s the end of another year and the end of our second full year dealing with the impact and outcomes from the global Covid-19 pandemic.

    Each of us has been challenged by Covid with some having to experience greater suffering and hardships than others. All of us will know family, friends or associates who have had serious health challenges and our collective thoughts go out to them.

    On a lighter note, I have received through the mail a first edition of a commemorative book entitled ‘With the windmillwrights in fen and marsh’ by Douglas Reid from the Mills Archive Trust here in the UK.

    The commemorative edition’s print run was just 20 copies - one for each year the Mills Archive Trust has been in existence and Milling and Grain is proud to have received the first of the 20 numbered books produced.

    ‘With the windmillwrights in fen and marsh’ is the unfinished manuscript of Douglas Reid found among the documents in the Rex Wails Collection, which Milling and Grain supports (along with others) at the Archive….Read more.


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