
Capwell Industries - Kenya

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    Authors & editors

    Publisher Milling & Grain
    Year of publication 2019 May

    Medium Digital

    Cereal processes > Flour milling > Commercial millers



    Scope & contentMilling and Grain were invited to join Mr Gorkem Alapala, Vice-Chairman of the Board for Alapala, to visit one of their completed wheat mills.

    By Darren Parris, Group president, Milling & Grain.

    Being one of the largest countries in East Africa, with a capacity of more than 1.75 million tonnes, Kenya is one of the leading corn-milling countries in Sub-Sahara. Kenya is also renowned for its wheat production. Kenya own a great deal of wheat stocks and produce a significant amount of wheat flour. With slightly more than 100 mills in Kenya the production capacity follows Pareto's principle in that the largest 19 mills, around 20 percent of all mill plants are producing around 80-to-90 percent of the total wheat milled.

    Kenya’s rapidly increasing population also means that their production rates for maize flour, wheat flour and rice have also had to drastically increase to meet in-line with their consumption demands. Nairobi, Kisumu and Mombasa are considered the hubs of milling within Kenya and are the places that have become most subject to industrialisation... Read more.


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