
Moulin de montagne. témoin du passé

    Full details

    English titleMill of the mountain. witness of the past
    Authors & editors

    Wehrlé, Jean [Author]

    Publisher Marrimpouey-Pau
    Year of publication 1990

    French (main text)

    Medium Book

    Wind & watermills > Other Europe (not GB) > France


    Scope & content Summary Translation

    Information on the water mill in Lavedan; a natural geographical area made up of seven valleys. It’s historically part of the Gascony province and the county of Bigorre. Today it is situated in the Hautes-Pyrénées department in the Midi-Pyrénées region. Focuses on the geographical history of this area, and the development of the water mill. Brief history of grain production in Ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome. Gives information on the grain industry of the area: Cereal in spring. Gives information on laws of ownership of mills in the region from 1421 and their subsequent changes, including taxes on mills from 1708. Discusses private and public mills in the region and millers roles.

    Copies held

    Accession no. 229190

    • Shelf location: C111
    • Donor: Ken Major Collection
    • Notes: Inside front page signed by J. Kenneth Major
    • Advance notice required to view in person