
Seeing for myself; Agricultural conditions around the world

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Hind, E Cora (1861–1942) [Author]

    Publisher Macmillan
    Year of publication 1937

    Medium Book

    Economics & commerce > Feeding the World
    Arts, culture and heritage > The role of women



    Scope & contentCompiled from contributions by the author to the Winnipeg free press during her two years' journey around the world, from June 1935 to June 1937

    Copies held

    Accession no. 230603

    • Shelf location: D500-HIN

    Divisions within this publication

    • 1: Canadian Wheat and Flour in England
    • 2: Dairy Cows in England
    • 3: Poultry Conditions in Britain
    • 4: The Scottish Scene: Our Wheat
    • 5: Scotland Heard From on Cattle
    • 6: The Green Fields of Northern Ireland
    • 7: In the Irish Free State
    • 8: Will Russian Wheat Compete?
    • 9: A Chance for Our Cattle
    • 10: Down the Volga
    • 11: Perennial Wheat
    • 12: On the Collective Farms
    • 13: A Visit to Kharkov
    • 14: Dr Vavilov of Leningrad
    • 15: The Famous Gigant Farm
    • 16: Poultry and Beet Sugar
    • 17: Women in the New Russia
    • 18: Our Big Selling Problem
    • 19: A Varied Visit to Norway
    • 20: A Few Days in Sweden
    • 21: Germany: Notes on the Nazi Programme
    • 22: Poland: A Big Exporter
    • 23: Notes About Rumania
    • 24: Jugoslavia: The Land of Corn
    • 25: The Sore Hearts of Hungary
    • 26: Austria in Reconstruction
    • 27: Czechoslovakia: A Lost Market
    • 28: French Politics and Wheat
    • 29: Italy's "Battle of the Wheat"
    • 30: At the Cape
    • 31: Not About Gold
    • 32: Farming in Rhodesia
    • 33: Wheat at Ten Thousand Feet Above Sea Level
    • 34: To India by Air
    • 35: Some Indian Problems
    • 36: In the Breezes of Ceylon
    • 37: Across Australia by Air
    • 38: The Part Sheep Play
    • 39: Farrer, The Great
    • 40: Brunskill of Allonby
    • 41: Problems in Victoria
    • 42: Chilled Beef in Queensland
    • 43: Land Settlement
    • 44: Wheat in West Australia
    • 45: Some Comment on New Zealand
    • 46: Pumice Farming in New Zealand
    • 47: Dairying on a Grand Scale
    • 48: Wheat in New Zealand
    • 49: Around the Horn
    • 50: Argentine Wheat
    • 51: Grades and Elevators
    • 52: A Tour in the North
    • 53: In Southern Argentine
    • 54: The Argentine Estancias
    • 55: Concerning Pigs and Sheep
    • 56: Frigorifico
    • 57: Argentine Dairying
    • 58: Argentine Pastures
    • 59: Control of the Meat Trade
    • 60: Glancing at Uruguay
    • 61: Farming Around Salto
    • 62: Brazil the Beautiful
    • 63: Wheat in Brazil


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