
History of floating mills on the tidal Thames

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Sisitka, Josef S [Author]

    Publisher The author
    Year of publication 1992

    English (main text)

    Medium Book

    Energy & power > Watermills > Boat mills
    Wind & watermills > England > London & Middlesex



    Scope & contentThis is a dissertation submitted for a BA History degree at the University of Reading in 1992. It provides an overview of the history of floating mills in Europe and the UK with many drawings, photographs and historic maps. Chapter headings: Floating mills in Europe; Floating mills on the Thames in the sixteenth century including the construction of barge mills; A survey of floating mills 1613-1770; The diffusion of knowledge of science and technology in the eighteenth century; Floating mills on the Thames at the turn of the nineteenth century; The science and technology of watermills including floating mill technology. The Appendix contains the patents of Samuel Cotton, John Joachim Becher, John Thompson, George Simmonds, Benjamin Hawkins; John Norton and Robert Copland. An extensive bibliography is provided. Four maps are included locating several mills belonging to Simmonds, Hawkins, John Allen, and Copland.

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    Accession no. 22061

    • Shelf location: F426-SIS
    • Donor: Michael Harverson
    • Notes: .