
Wheelwright's shop

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Sturt, George [Author]

    Publisher Cambridge University Press
    Year of publication 1923

    English (main text)

    Medium Book

    People and communities > People, families & firms
    Economics & commerce > Specific companies



    Scope & contentWritten by George Sturt (1863-1927) as an autobiography of a wheelwright's shop in Farnham, Hampshire from 1884 to 1891. Employed William Goatcher as foreman-manager from 1891 who later became Sturt's partner. After Goatcher's death, Sturt went into partnership with William Arnold. Trace's the owners of the wheelwright's shop premises from 1706 and the history if the Sturt family's occupation of it from from 1810 when George Sturt (the author's grandfather) bought the premises until 1920 when the author sold the business. Much detail about the wheelwright's business, operations and the processes involved in making wheels from sawing to the finished product, including prices. Eight photographic plates including photographs of George Cook, wheelwright, and Will Hammond, blacksmith. 24 drawn illustrations. Detailed glossary on p213-224. Fully indexed.

    Copies held

    Accession no. 21353

    • Shelf location: T 620-STU
    • Donor: SPAB Mills Section.
    • Notes: Some annotations