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Transactions of the Sixth symposium of The International Molinological Society

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Publisher TIMS
    Year of publication 1985

    English (main text)

    Medium Symposium Transactions

    Wind & watermills


    Scope & contentTopics of presented papers:

    Templeuve windmill ( France )
    mill in heraldry ( Spain )
    regolfo watermills ( Spain )
    millstones and rollermills ( world-wide )
    watermills ( Austria (Tyrol) )
    Nantucket Island smockmill ( USA (Massachusetts) )
    waterpower ( Netherlands, The (Veluwe) )
    watermills ( USA (Southern) )
    watermills: grubbe impact ( Denmark )
    tide mill operation ( world-wide )
    screw-driven mills ( Japan )
    Ormilia windmill ( Greece )
    German millwrights in USA ( USA (Pennsylvania) )
    small waterwheel-driven pumps ( England )
    tide mills ( Scotland )
    windmills ( Wales )
    clapper mills ( Hungary )
    small farm windmill ( Hungary )
    Snettisham watermill ( England )
    mill technology handbook ( Germany )
    military and naval mills ( Europe )
    combined corn and oil mill ( Belgium )
    water-powered woollen mill ( Denmark )
    windmill symbolism in Bruegel’s paintings ( Belgium )
    high-lift water powered paternoster chain ( Syria )
    gunpowder mills ( Netherlands, The )
    waterpower in mining ( England (Cornwall) )
    windmill classification ( Poland )
    water-powered pumps ( France (Paris) )
    centrifugal governors ( England )
    Yarza watermill dam ( Spain )

    Copies held

    Accession no. 13669

    • Shelf location: C010-1985
    • Notes: Bound Copy Transactions from the 6th symposium held at Gent, Belgium, 14th-20th July 1985, Published by Levende Molens for TIMS
