
Technologie der Brotherstellung

    Full details

    English titleTechnology of bread-making
    Authors & editors

    Auerman, L J [Author]

    Publisher VEB Fachbuchverlag
    Year of publication 1987

    German (main text)

    Medium Book

    Cereal processes > Baking, bread & pasta


    Scope & contentSummary Translation
    Manual on bread production, taking in the latest research and practices of the Soviet Union and foreign countries.

    The book starts with flour, before moving on to different kinds of dough, the baking process, bread storage, yield, quality improvement, mistakes and diseases, types of bread and baked goods, bread in the human diet. It does not deal with the milling of the grain.

    The text is illustrated with diagrams and tables.Translated from Russian (7th enlarged edition, pub 1972) to German by H Tscheuschner of the Dresden Technical University et al; the book has been slightly adapted to include new research. Inside the front cover is a letter from Tscheuschner to Dr H.G. Muller of Leeds University donating book; dust jacket.

    Copies held

    Accession no. 187

    • Shelf location: B900-AUE
    • Donor: John Muller Collection
    • Advance notice required to view in person