
Taming the flood: a history and natural history of rivers and wetlands

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Purseglove, Jeremy [Author]

    Publisher Oxford University Press
    Year of publication 1989

    English (main text)

    Medium Book

    Water supply & management > Irrigation & drainage


    Scope & contentAn authoritative book on the debate about river and wetland management including: its history and traditional management; the impact of drainage on agricultural economy and the environment; flood defences; the importance of wetlands to ecology, its wildlife and the landscape; and rules for good practice in river management.

    Photographs by Ann Baird and drawings by Rodney Ingram. Foreward by Tony Soper. Winner of the 1988 Sir Peter Kent Conservation Book Prize. Produced for a Channel Four television series.

    Copies held

    Accession no. 230119

    • Shelf location: I600-PUR
    • Donor: Vincent Pargeter Collection

    Divisions within this publication

    • 1: River versus drain
    • 2: The fear of flood - traditional attitudes to wetlands
    • 3: Winning of the waters - a history of the fight against flooding until the post-war era
    • 4: The wasting of the waters - the real cost of orthodox river management
    • 5: Riverside riches - the need for management of wet land and some alternative economic uses
    • 6: Civilizing the rivers - the new approach to river management
    • 7: Creative flow - rules for good practice in river management
    • 8: The last ditch stand - the Wetlands Debate 1974-1988

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