
Scottish Country Miller 1700-1900: History of water-powered meal milling in Scotland

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Gauldie, Enid [Author]

    Publisher John Donald Publishers Ltd
    Year of publication 1981

    English (main text)

    Medium Book

    Economics & commerce > Feeding the World
    Wind & watermills > Scotland


    Scope & contentIn The Scottish Country Miller, Enid Gauldie discusses in detail the origins of milling, the social context of the miller, as well as the technical aspects of the industry.

    Her research is based not only on a wide variety of written records (including those from milling companies, local parishes and engineering firms), but also extensive fieldwork, such as interviews with those who worked, or whose families worked, as millers in the days when millers were still of key significance in the rural economy.

    Copies held

    Accession no. 229716

    • Shelf location: C108-GAU
    • Donor: Michael Dufau Collection

    Divisions within this publication

    • 1: Diet - The product of the mill
    • 2: Abbey, Town and Barony - The origin of the mill
    • 3: Thirlage - Service to the mill
    • 4: Landowners - Ownership of the mill
    • 5: Millstones - The heart of the mill
    • 6: Water - The power of the mill
    • 7: Early Technology - the machinery of the mill
    • 8: Millwrights - The genius of the mill
    • 9: Later Technology - Improvements to the mill
    • 10: The Unpopular Miller - The isolation of the mill
    • 11: The 18th Century Miller's Life - Routine at the mill
    • 12: Rent and Repairs for the Mill
    • 13: The 19th Century Miller