
Mühlen der Eifel: Band 1 Geschichte - Technik - Untergang, Band 1

    Full details

    English titleMills of the Eifel: Volume 1 History – technology – decline
    Authors & editors

    Mertes, Erich [Author]

    Publisher Helios
    Year of publication 1994

    German (main text)

    Medium Book

    Wind & watermills > Other Europe (not GB) > Germany, Austria & Switzerland


    Scope & contentSummary Translation

    A description of mills (mainly water mills, but also windmills, animal powered mills and floating mills) in the Eifel region of western Germany. At the end there is an index of mills and of their locations. The first chapter gives a brief historical overview of milling in general, with details of a few named windmills; also information about codes used by millers in the way they set their sails.The second chapter covers oil mills, paper mills, Roman cement mills (pulverising tuff, which is found in part of the Eifel and was formerly used for cement), and modern industrial mills. It ends with details of mill yields.The third chapter, which starts with a map of the rivers in the Eifel and occupies about half the book, gives details of mills according to the river on which they stand. In most cases these details consist of a brief history, sometimes with the names of millers, and occasionally other information, e.g. about equipment and/or output.The fourth chapter covers Eifel mills in the 20th century: a list of those in operation in 1937 with details of their daily output, followed by a list of mills abandoned up to 1986.The final chapter lists watermills from feudal times to 1800, and continues with information about four periods of decline: in the 14th century (probably as a result of the Black Death), in the 17th century (as a result of the 30 Years War and subsequent wars against France), in the 19th century (industrialisation making small mills uneconomic) and the 20th century with the advent of large-scale industrial flour productio0n. It ends with some historical statistics and information about the historical rights and duties of millers (including a 1736 decree reproduced in Gothic script).The book is richly illustrated with black-and-white photos, historical reproductions, and a few diagrams.

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    Accession no. 229672

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