
Wasserkraftnutzung mit Niederdruckanlagen: Kasseler Wasserbauliches Symposium 1992

    Full details

    English titleUtilisation of water power with low pressure systems
    Authors & editors

    Tönsmann, Frank [Author]

    Publisher Herkules Verlag, Kassel
    Year of publication 1993

    German (main text)

    Medium Book

    Generation of Electricity > Hydropower



    Scope & contentSummary Translation

    Collection of papers from the 1992 Kassel Hydraulic Engineering Symposium, preceded by three brief introductory greetings. The first two deal with the use of water power in Lower Saxony and Thuringia respectively; these are followed by two papers on the renovation of hydro power stations in Wülmersen and Eschwege/Werra; two papers on ecology then deal with the impact of hydro power plants on the ecosystem of rivers and with fish ladders in power stations, followed by a report of the discussion of the last two papers. The final paper is on environmental impact studies for hydro power plants. The papers are illustrated with diagrams, photos and maps.

    Copies held

    Accession no. 229637

    • Donor: Ken Major Collection