
Innovative Plansifter. Improving efficiency and quality in flour milling

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    Authors & editors

    Publisher Milling & Grain
    Year of publication 2023 May

    Medium Digital

    Cereal processes > Flour milling


    Scope & contentBy Halit Shasheet, Business Area Manager, Tanis Milling Technologies, Türkiye

    The plansifter is a crucial component in flour milling, used to separate the flour into different grades based on particle size. A plansifter is a type of industrial machine that is commonly used in the milling industry for sifting and classifying flour and other powdered materials. The machine consists of several stacked sieves or screens that are arranged in a specific pattern to sort particles of different sizes.

    The plansifter uses centrifugal force to separate the particles by size. The material to be sifted is fed into the top of the machine and then falls onto the topmost screen. As the machine rotates, the smaller particles pass through the holes in the screen and are collected in a lower compartment, while the larger particles are carried along the screen and eventually fall onto the next lower screen.

    Tanis Milling Technologies, a leading manufacturer of milling equipment based in Turkey, has developed an innovative plansifter that delivers superior performance and quality, providing solutions for a wide range of industries, including flour milling, semolina milling, corn milling, and rice milling. With over 67 years of experience in the industry, the company has established itself as a trusted partner for milling companies worldwide.

    At the heart of Tanis Milling Technologies’ plansifter is its unique design. Unlike traditional plansifters, this plansifter is constructed in three main blocks, each made of 10mm steel. The use of bolts instead of welding to join the blocks minimises the risk of breakage, ensuring the sifter’s longevity and durability. But what sets the Tanis plansifter apart is its innovative solution for distributing weight on upper and down bearings: the use of springs on the main shaft…Read more


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