
Critical thinking in a world of fake news

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    Authors & editors

    Pelletier, Christophe [Author]

    Publisher Milling & Grain
    Year of publication 2017 March

    Medium Digital

    Economics & commerce > Feeding the World


    Scope & contentBy Christophe Pelletier

    Over the years the public trust in governments, corporations and more recently science has been only fading. The village dynamics create a new type of clans and tribes that rest on their own sets of beliefs and more worryingly, their rejection of the other tribes’ beliefs. It feels that we are regressing into digital feudalism where the truth does not matter, even if it could mean self-destruction.

    In the food and agriculture section however, this is not quite news. Controversies have been around for quite some time and there are new ones coming all the time. In the sector we have been dealing with many opinions, ranging from criticism to plain fake news. And let’s face it there has been some of that on both sides. The food fights have been lingering too much on problems and positions and not enough on solutions and cooperation. How to revert from tribalism to universalism in a world stuck between tribalism and paranoia? It is not easy, but it is not impossible either…Read more.


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