
Tockett's mill

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Harrison, John K [Author]
    Morgan, P W [Author]

    Publisher The author
    Year of publication 2012

    English (main text)

    Medium Book

    Wind & watermills > England > Yorkshire & Humberside


    Scope & contentCorn milling in Cleveland and the history of the township of Tocketts are described. Detailed illustrated technical descriptions of the mill buildings, leat, waterwheel, milling processes, sack hoist, grain dresser, millstones, silk reel (for grading flour), and gearing. A list of millers from 1719 to 1972 is given with surnames John Rowntree, Daniel Moore, John Wood, John Marr, Thomas Coulson, Thomas Pattinson (his widow Mary and son Thomas), George Heseltine, Christopher Nixon, Joseph Rowntree, and William Seaton. A timeline of the restoration of the mill between 1970 and 2010 is provided including the rebuilding of the waterwheel by Hauxwell's of Yarm. The cover image is of the miller, William Seaton and his children c1904.

    Copies held

    Accession no. 229614

    • Shelf location: C103.27
    • Donor: Alan Stoyel