
Milling journals of the past. A Flour Mill in China

Full details

Authors & editors

Cookson, Mildred M [Author]

Publisher Milling & Grain
Year of publication 2015 September

Medium Digital

Economics & commerce > Feeding the World



Scope & contentOne of the collections we have at the Mills Archive in Reading is an almost complete run of the American Journal “The Weekly Northwestern Miller”. More than 1500 issues of this magazine from Minneapolis were kindly donated by the Satake Centre for Grain Process Engineering to add to our earlier, incomplete run in poor condition, which we rescued from a caravan used by visiting mill enthusiasts in the English county of Suffolk.

A report in the edition for November 4, 1903 describes a mill visited by Kingsland Smith near the port city of Tsingtau (Qindao) in the Shandong province of China. It was around “40 minutes by rickshaw” in the village of Tai-tung-tschen, a small hamlet built by the Germans for the Chinese. He describes it as a typical Chinese flour mill.

The mill looked like any other building in the village, and after introductions the proprietor showed him round and brought out the mule, which he hitched to the stone so that he could take a photograph. However, the air being so very hot and flies very troublesome, the donkey kept shaking its head and moving; and as the photo had to be taken on a long exposure it was decided to take it without the donkey…Read more.


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