
Milling journals of the past. Rice Milling around the World: The advent of industrial processes

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Authors & editors

Cookson, Mildred M [Author]

Publisher Milling & Grain
Year of publication 2015 December

Medium Digital

Cereal processes > Rice milling


South America

Scope & contentThis article moves on from the early primitive methods and the subsequent description of the use of waterpower illustrated in earlier articles, to examine some of our holdings covering the early stages of industrialisation of rice milling.

Although treated less prominently than flour milling, these sources provide ample coverage of rice milling. The literature contains a great deal of technical information and many designs such as that of Walker’s Patent Rice Decorticator. Advertisements, for example the one I have selected from the Whitmore and Binyon catalogue, underline the wealth of parallel uses for mills in late Victorian times. In this one advert these milling engineers are offering not only rice milling machinery and flour milling machinery, but also mills to produce Portland cement and even to wash earth away from diamonds!An illustrated catalogue at the Mills Archive from the Rangoon agents of the Hamburg firm Nagel and Kaemp, which was established in 1865, displays details of the “Filipina” machine for rice production. This was designed so that it could be fitted into a small building and proved very popular at the time as its size was such that it could be readily transported by horse-drawn carts…Read more.


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