
Rebirth of legendary Henry Simon milling in Australia

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    Authors & editors

    Publisher Milling & Grain
    Year of publication 2018 March

    Medium Digital

    Cereal processes > Flour milling > Commercial millers



    Scope & contentBy Craig Doorey, Director, Satake Australia Pty Ltd

    Satake Australia is proud of its history, which came from pioneers of flour milling engineers namely Henry Simon and Thomas Robinson. Over the last two decades our local sales in flour milling have dwindled due to the very competitive international market.

    Today, we are delighted to announce the re-birth of a 125 years old tradition - Henry Simon at Australia’s premier milling conference, PIX/AMC in June 2018 at Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition centre, Queensland.

    Henry Simon (1835 – 1899) was born in Poland and immigrated to Manchester, England in 1860. He was a successful engineer in non-flour milling fields, and became more involved in designing flour milling machinery; especially the replacement of stone mills with roller mills, which culminated with him forming Henry Simon Ltd. in 1878. In a short period of time many mills in Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and numerous countries had changed from stone mills to Henry Simon rollers mills. The business continued successfully for over 100 years, but folded by the late 1980s. In England and Australia, key staff from Henry Simon’s joined with Thomas Robinsons; another famous milling company, and that business in 1992 was purchased by Satake…Read more.


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