
Rice milling business. Quality and profit

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    Publisher Milling & Grain
    Year of publication 2018 June

    Medium Digital

    Cereal processes > Rice milling


    Scope & contentBy Yoshito Matsumoto, Manager, China Marketing, Satake Corporation

    In many Asian countries, product quality has not been considered as top priority by the rice milling industry for a long period of time. Rice has been acknowledged as a stable food in the area, whose market consisted of no competition from other products and no demand for higher product quality. In other words, rice is treated differently from other regular food products as far as market price is concerned.

    Today, it is common for rice packaging to carry the term “quality rice”. What is meant by quality?

    The definition is unclear. Many consumers believe it includes the rice exhibiting a good appearance, with rice also having a high degree of whiteness and along with a polished reflective surface. However, technically speaking, that is not correct in terms of rice both as a vegetation and as a food product. High whiteness degree is achieved by excess milling… Read more.


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