
Total automation leads to reliable milling

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    Authors & editors

    Publisher Milling & Grain
    Year of publication 2019 June

    Medium Digital

    Cereal processes > Handling, storage & transport


    Scope & contentBy John Koorn, International Sales Manager, Laidig Systems Inc, USA

    Flour millers are often faced with significant issues when storing and reclaiming their product that hinder their productivity and decrease their revenue, such as bridging, product infestation, channel flow, not achieving a First-In-First-Out material distribution, and employee safety.

    Laidig Systems is a global leader in designing and manufacturing reclaim systems that automate the unloading of “difficult to flow” dry bulk materials from storage silos and domes.

    Laidig’s solution had an impact on areas that contributed to the efficient production of the mill including: reducing and eliminating silo-bridging fears, helping to create mass flow, decreasing the potential for product infestation, and maintaining a first-in-first out (FIFO) material distribution, which helped increase the quality of the stored bran... Read more.


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