
Escalating UK flour prices

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Publisher Milling & Grain
    Year of publication 2021 October

    Medium Digital

    Economics & commerce > Data & reviews
    Contemporary news > 2021


    Scope & contentBy Levana Hall, Milling & Grain magazine

    With the UK leaving the EU in January 2020, many supply chains have had to adapt to new rules, some even ceasing trade with the UK altogether. With additional customs and safety checks being introduced in January 2020, trade fell sharply, exports from the UK to the EU were five percent lower in April 2021 than in December 2020 according to some companies, but elsewhere the figures were closer to 24 percent.

    The baking industry took one of the bigger hits when dealing with the Brexit fallout - as demands for flour and grains rose, so did the prices. Flour trade has had more problems all over the country, where a lot of flour that we export contains a high proportion of Canadian or American wheat.

    There have been major HGV driver shortages across the UK, there was already a decline before the pandemic, but it has worsened in the past year.

    Not being able to import goods at the right times means delays in the milling industry, wheat is used by millers in the UK to blend with lower quality domestic milling wheat, without the imported wheat millers will have to use more of their own produce. This results in millers using up their supply faster, meaning higher costs for everyone else… Read more


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